Groovy Garden Rooms - Plastic Coated Steel Colours

Make Money As An Affiliate

You can make some very good money by simply telling people about our products.

The way it works is that, when you register as a Groovy Garden Rooms Affiliate, you receive a unique weblink for our products which you then share with others via emails, social media posts and in phone & other conversations. It also costs you nothing to become an Affiliate.

And, when someone buys that particular product using your unique URL, it means we know it's you that created the sale. Then we pay you an affiliate payment for it.

What You Earn

Just by referring our Groovy Garden Room products you can earn some good money.

In this case, for every Groovy Garden Room that a customer invests in, that came from your referral via your unique URL, you get paid £350 every time (once the customer has paid in full...which happens before we finish installing it, by the way).

So, for instance, if your referrals lead to 5 x Groovy Garden Rooms being sold, you earn £1,750. And so on!

Why Your Referral Will Be More Attractive

There are two simple reasons why your unique URL linking potential Groovy Garden Room customers to our products will stand out: Firstly, because our award-winning business' products truly are in a league of their own in terms of quality and value. And, secondly, when applicable, your ability to offer them enticing coupon offers.

So, from the viewpoint of those you refer our products to, you're offering them even more value than they'd be getting if they came across our products without your referral. And this gives you a big advantage.