✓ Money & time saving zero maintenance (due to the materials used & our award-winning design)
✓ Money & time saving portability (can be uninstalled & reinstalled elsewhere)
✓ 30 year guarantee due to unique design
✓ Multi-use (as a garden office, gym, lounge & bedroom)
✓ Foundations (we do all this for you and they're included in the price)
✓ Top grade insulation for all year use
✓ Bespoke fully turnkey & fully accessible premium product (including plastered walls & more) with Additional Specification options to enhance yours even more
✓ Simplest & most open pricing with no hidden extra costs: Standard Specification (there's a shed load!) quoted prices include all costs (design, manufacture, assembly, labour, materials, travel, accommodation, subsistence & VAT...and even the chocolate biscuits!) and we're even rarer by quoting our Additional Specification pricing too. (And we can help you with financing, if need be).
What's The HAPPY Style?
Our award-winning HAPPY style garden rooms have a smile inducing simplicity to them. Hence the name!
This is not a DIY product. YOU decide how you want yours adapted and WE design, build and install a fully turnkey product for you. Check out our pricing chart below...and download the Pricing chart.
Time & Money Saving Zero Maintenance
Groovy Garden Rooms are truly ZERO maintenance because we use plastic coated galvanised steel exterior cladding - not just on our walls, but also, uniquely, on our roofs.
Most other companies use EPDM rubber on their roofs which is better for them rather than you. This is because it's cheaper for them to buy. But it tends to last you only up to about 10 years. Whereas our exterior cladding (you have various colours to choose from) is guaranteed for up to 30 years.
It's highly durable, waterproof, weatherproof and rustproof and needs no maintenance - unless of course you use it for military target practice. Just saying.
Time & Money Saving Portability
And, even with the highly durable, strong and very long-lasting design of your Groovy Garden Room, yours is also portable.
So, if you move home and want to take it with you, then we disassemble it and reassemble it at your chosen location - for a fraction of the cost and the installation time it takes compared to when you invest in a new garden room.
Groovy Garden Rooms - Customer Feedback
Groovy Garden Rooms - Customer Feedback

Your Groovy Garden Room Package Includes...
All our Standard Specification that gives you an award-winning, premium and fully turnkey separate second space in your garden that can easily be turned into your office, gym, lounge & spare bedroom, that you can use 365 days a year. And this pricing includes the...
✓ Design
✓ Virtual Site Survey
✓ Materials
✓ Manufacture
✓ Foundations
✓ Assembly
✓ Guarantees
You can make your garden room even more bespoke by also choosing from our Additional Specification options.