Garden Rooms - Autumn Offer

Special Offer for Groovy Garden Rooms

Autumn Offer Worth £497!

Our summer may be over, and just as we're starting to enjoy our greater post-lockdown freedom, too. But now we're in the autumn.

So, to cheer you up, we’re offering you a FREE Extra Floor to Ceiling Fixed Window - the parts and labour for which are worth £497.

You benefit from this Autumn Offer when you put down a deposit for a Groovy Garden Room by 30 November 2021.

Simply quote the Coupon Code: AutumnOffer21.

Groovy Garden Rooms: You choose the style & specification and we then make and install yours for you

Zero maintenance, portable, premium quality but affordable, durable multi-use Groovy Garden Room with a 30 year guarantee that can be used all year round as a garden office, a garden lounge, a garden gym, a garden bedroom and more…
HAPPY Style Garden Room

No roof overhang (from £19,005 - including VAT)

Great - I want to discover more
Zero maintenance, portable, premium quality but affordable, durable multi-use Groovy Garden Room with a 30 year guarantee that can be used all year round as a garden office, a garden lounge, a garden gym, a garden bedroom and more…
HEROIC Style Garden Room

Front roof overhang (from £19,959 - including VAT)

Great - I want to discover more
Smiling boy with superman style red cape and mask

What Makes Our Garden Room Better Than Others

✓  Zero maintenance

✓  Time & money saving portability

✓  Up to 30 year guarantee

✓  Lots of useful add-ons: from timber cladding and sedum roofs to using wind & solar energy power and even incinerating toilets

✓  Price point: From £610 per sq metre (including tax)

✓  Designed & built to have a minimal environmental impact

✓  Multi-use garden room: office, gym, lounge & spare bedroom

✓  7-10 day (on-site) installation time (average)

✓  8-10 week timescale (from your deposit to completion)

Small house key fob with key on architect's drawings

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