Garden Rooms - Site Survey

Surveys for zero maintenance, portable, premium but affordable, durable multi-use Groovy Garden Room with a 30 year guarantee that can be used all year round as a garden office, a garden lounge, a garden gym, a garden bedroom and more

Your Site Survey - In 4 Easy Steps

As much as we want to be able to come to see you to do an on-site survey of the plot on which you want your award-winning garden rooms to be installed by us, this isn't always going to be logistically practical or cost effective.

But it is important that this is done properly as this makes your garden room installation go a lot more smoothly than if a survey hasn't been done. It's a key part of your and our preparation ahead of the installation. And we like to prepare & plan properly and to help you do so, too!

So we've designed a simple and tried and tested method for you to do your Site Survey with us remotely.

And our simple 4-Step Site Survey guide shows you how it all works....

Your Site Survey documents

STEP 1: Measurements & Gradients

Using stakes, sticks or rope/string, lay out the area you want for your Garden Room (it helps to also measure out some key contents, like office desks, running machines, sofa beds, a cloakroom, etc, to give you a much clearer idea of how big a garden room you want). Then write down the size, the layout of and other key details about your garden room area & access in your Garden Room Overall Area Plan.

And, if there's any gradient (from back to front and/or left to right), then use a line of string or rope tied between sticks, canes or posts at either end, to mark down the gradient measurements in your Garden Room Gradients Plan (You can download these and examples of how to fill them out below).

STEP 2: Ground Type

If you already have a strong and stable solid base (i.e. concrete) in place or one that perhaps isn't good enough to take the weight of your new garden room, then the Site Survey helps us assess it.

If you only have grass or earth or even a mixture of concrete and/or stone, then again your Site Survey tells us what we need to know, along with the type of soil you have (we have 6 types in the UK)

And your Site Survey will show you how to look for concealed pipes, cables and tree roots.

STEP 3: Photos & Videos

Sending us a good selection of photos and videos will help us see exactly what the on-site location is like, what the access and parking are like, and other key details.

This also compliments the specific details you enter on your Site Survey forms.

STEP 4: Parking

With your help we can also understand the parking arrangements.

As you can imagine, there will be a lot of materials and equipment being lugged to your garden room location. And the closer we can park to this the better it is for our Design & Build Team.

Woman in live video call with 4 other people on desktop computer

"Live' Video Assessment

To help you further, especially if you're not sure about something, we also offer a "live" Video Site Survey, although this works better after you have emailed us the details from your 4-Step Site Survey.

Just let us know what and when suits you and we'll get this done for you.

Thanks for helping us with this…and we look forward to working with you!

Your Site Survey documents